Crucial data that the US Government obtained in mid-2021 but tried to hide has now been released, thanks to a Freedom of Information request filed by the Informed Consent Action Network.
In the Spring of 2021, “Humetrix Cloud Services was contracted by the U.S. military to analyze vaccine data.” The agency looked at 20 million Medicare beneficiaries and found: “For the week ending on July 31, 2021, post-vaccination COVID-19 cases represented 73 percent of the cases among people 65 and older, the company found. The elderly were 80 percent fully vaccinated at the time.”
This is a truly stunning finding. Let’s imagine the US Government had immediately force-vaccinated the 20% of seniors who hadn’t yet been vaccinated. What would that have done to the overall rate of infections? That unvaccinated 20 percent was responsible for 27 percent of infections. Assuming that post-vaccination they would have the same rate of infection as the already vaccinated, their rate of infection would drop to 18.25 percent. (20% X 73/80ths) In other words, the total number of cases among seniors would drop by 8.75 percent if the entire senior population was vaccinated.
A drop of less than 10% in the number of new infections would have had an extremely small impact on the spread of the Delta variant - at best, slowing the spread of the Delta wave by a week or two. (We’d get to exactly the same place, just two weeks later.)
Given that reality, there was absolutely no medical or scientific justification for either vaccine mandates or vaccine passports. The CDC knew that.
It was also extremely disingenuous for Joe Biden to speak of a ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated’ when almost three-quarters of the seniors catching COVID were fully vaccinated.
On the other hand, blaming the unvaccinated for the rapid spread of the Delta variant, did distract the population from noticing that these new ‘miracle’ vaccines were not stopping the spread of COVID.
Making scapegoats of the unvaccinated allowed public health authorities to pretend that the only reason the vaccines hadn’t reined in the pandemic was that too many people were still unvaccinated, and that COVID was being spread primarily by the unvaccinated.
The unvaccinated were also demonized for taking up valuable hospital space when they did catch COVID. (Several commentators argued that unvaccinated COVID patients should be denied hospital treatment!)
Government officials made these specious claims despite having data from Humetrix indicating that “63 percent of the COVID-19 hospitalizations in seniors were among the fully vaccinated.”
Tens of thousands of medical personnel, members of the military, and government workers lost their jobs - and their livelihoods - because they wouldn’t get vaccinated. Not because of any medical necessity, but simply to maintain the public fiction that the vaccines worked much better than they did.
Millions of others became socially shunned because they didn’t have vaccine passports, all to maintain the illusion that it was the unvaccinated who were responsible for the continuing expansion of the pandemic.
On top of everything else, in hiding this information, public health authorities denied unvaccinated Americans the right to informed consent.
Public health authorities had claimed repeatedly that vaccinated people wouldn’t catch COVID, and wouldn’t go to hospital. Americans had a right to know that 73% of seniors with COVID were fully vaccinated. They had a right to know that 63% of seniors in hospital with COVID were fully vaccinated. This was crucial information about the efficacy of the vaccines that anyone deciding whether to get vaccinated should have.
The CDC knew the whole ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated’ was a sham; theatre, not science. They tried to hide the data which would have exposed their lies. We only know about it now because of a Freedom of Information request.
Our best hope is that the US House Committee investigating the COVID pandemic shines a very bright light on CDC’s shamefully politicized behaviour.
P.S.: One important caveat should be stated. Extrapolating from data for seniors to the entire population is not without risks. It’s possible that the proportion of COVID infections in other age groups among the vaccinated was not as high as it was among seniors. (It would have been useful if Humetrix had tracked all age groups.)
It’s a reasonable guess that seniors were responsible for much of the spread of COVID within the senior population. And given that seniors made up the large majority of COVID hospitalizations and deaths, it seems likely that seniors would have had an outsized influence on overall COVID prevalence, morbidity and mortality. It’s hard to imagine differences in other age groups being so divergent as to change the overall pattern significantly.
The only benefit for me to the vaccinations was getting to see my mom and dad before they passed away and being able to be at dad’s funeral in Canada. Life in Georgia was pretty normal after the first month with some exceptions due to local rules. It was only medical buildings that required masking and the schools (which were opened in August 2020 in our county. Once I was vaccinated, I quit masking except at work (trying to teach as a substitute teacher in a public school was not easy with a mask on) and medical buildings. I got to the point that if a business required a mask, they could do without my business. After every trip to Canada where masks were required everywhere and for a long time, it was good to be back in Georgia. From what I know now, I would not mask except when required by medical people and would not get vaccinated. Mom had Covid several times while in long term care where everyone who came in was vaccinated, masked, and tested. Neither parent’s deaths had anything to do with Covid.