It's Biden and co's wet dream. Everything he has done benefits China at America's expense. Whether intentionally, or to avoid exposure of other crimes, Biden is working for China, not against it.

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Foreign policy experts have been warning the US for decades that it cannot make enemies of both Russia and China at the same time.

Joe Biden has gone them one better. Russia and China will soon be heading an alliance that includes 60 percent of the world's population, thanks to Biden's recruiting efforts. I will agree that this so clearly favours China's interests, it's hard not to wonder if Joe is on China's payroll.

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Russia blunders too numerous - all due to treachery or inferiority complex?

Entering a fight with way too less forces.

Withdrawing from Kiev to show "good faith" for negotiations with agreement incapable counterparties.

Sinking of my Flagship of the fleet.

All enemy supply lines remain intact for several months.

All enemy power supplies remain intact for several months.

Enemy weapons and ammunitions factories remain intact for several months.*

*Russian Ministy of Defense 4th Nov. 2022:

High-precision armament of Russian Aerospace Forces has neutralised the workshops

designed for producing rocket motors in Pavlograd (Dnepropetrovsk region), as well

as 3 workshops at ‘Kommunar’ plant in Kharkov that was the venue for producing projectiles

for multiple-launch systems.

Bold statements about red lines, which can be passed without any reaction.

Shelling of Belgorod - Russian Motherland - for months.

Shelling of Donbass ongoing for months - years to be correct.

Ukraine is shelling the NPP in Zaporizhzhia, but this same NPP is providing energy to the Ukraine?

Blowing up of my property in the North Sea - you guessed it - unpunished.

Annexation of Kherson Oblast 30th October 2022.

This is Russia now!

We will never leave!

« Sergei Mardan: There are no reasons, there can be no reasons for leaving Kherson,

and there is nothing even to talk about. Kherson must not, cannot be surrendered.

Anyone who surrenders Kherson will simply be a traitor. Simply a traitor and a betrayer.

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I would agree that Russia has made numerous errors in Ukraine - particularly imagining that the West would negotiate in good faith.

That said, Ukraine has effectively been destroyed. The economies of the West have been clearly hurt more by Western sanctions than Russia has.

But the emergence of BRICS plus - an alliance that will include the majority of the world's population, and soon will include the majority of the world's PPP GDP - may yet prove far more damaging to the West than anything that happens in the war in Ukraine.

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Is that the response of a major Power's foreign minister to nuclear danger from an arch enemy?

"The use of munitions with depleted uranium will sharply reduce, if keeps at all, capabilities of Ukraine to make high quality non-contaminated food," Lavrov said.


That lavrov has been british spy for decades-he should be publicly lynched.

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It is not EU or American elites. It is in general English pirates who 3 times repeatedly voted to power war criminals Margaret witch thatcher and Tony liar Blair.

These all English (including masses who prefer war mongers and make joke of peaceful candidates like Jeremy corbin or Michael booth calling them peacenicks) are waging race war against all non anglos including Russia and Germans.

Those pirate need to be eleminated urgently.

Europe has got no danger from Russia or from each other nation of Europe. But Europe has big danger from England. All wars in Europe have been consequence of english plots to make two European nations (usually the two strongest ones) fight each other. Including 1st world war and then 2nd World War. Gulf war was plotted by witch thatcher, first Iraq war by criminal tony blair- this Syrian war  again by english rats which borne their ugly child ISIS.

Tony Blair, who, when occupied Iraq, claimed that "we will become the British Empire again," meaning that he will occupy the rest of the world too!

Now the british are repackaging their dream as global Britain. Only when wars become unpopular, the english stop taking credit for that and let blame be placed on Jews.

and stupid people including hitler blamed jews while it was all along the english parasites who l destabilise, plot and run the war (but those cowards do not fight in beginning-they come late to feast on already weakened enemy of the day.).

Cold war against Russia was started for the same reason as cold war against Germany has started. TO keep britain in picture as it gives them a sense of false position, to harass other country and wreck others economy.

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I had warned in 2007.but Russia did not prepare for the coming war. Putin still has british spies inside cabinet.

4TH June, 2007.

President putin is wrong when he says that russia should or will target the missile on europe if america goes with anti missile defence plan in Europe.

Russia must target england because this cold war -like the one before- is being started by england for the benefit of english race only-.it is race war between the english parasite race versus the rest of the world-the sooner the rest of the world realizes that better it is for the world.

look how Germany wes vilified soon after fall of soviet union-look how russia is being vilified immediately after Putin made russia strong.

in fact it was not America but england which asked for ABM againstt Russia. BBc spy journalists were harassing presidential candidate Gore not to go ahead with Florida recount on ground” ally like britian want to conclude AMB deployment in Yorkshire as soon as possible so there should be no delay in govt. formation.in other word accept fraudulent win of bush for sake of england ! “

-such is the evil propaganda of British spies inside america. .

poland is nothing but a proxy for the british bastards.

It is no use targeting Poland -target the main villain which is england and the english nation which must be stopped now.

-such is the evil propaganda of British spies inside america. . poland is nothing but a proxy for the british bastards. It is no use targeting Poland -target the main villain which is england and the english nation which must be stopped now. Napoléon was the greatest general of the western world in last 2000 years. He was a great man too. only mistake he did was not to attack England and kill the english race-instead he attacked Russia and destroyed 95% of his grand army. Napoléon should have attacked and burn england so that the world wouldn’t have to bear the curse of having english race on the earth. we can still do it by making Europe again fight against the english parasite shopkeepers.

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Russia has failed in the production of its own drones in recent years. First, Moscow clearly did not foresee in time that these weapons systems would play a significant role in the war. As if there was not enough evidence of their role and effectiveness in Libya, Syria, and Nagorno-Karabagh. Recently, a senior military officer admitted that Russian drones do not meet the requirements, which casts serious doubt on the state tests conducted over the years, or the procedure for conducting them.

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You are on a roll since your return! The vacation must have been good for you. Keep up the excellent writing.

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Thanks, Jim. Lord knows there are a lot of news orphans to write about.

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yep. worth a thought.

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I suppose I am being unnecessarily catty towards the Europeans.

Canada and Australia are being just as stupid in tying themselves to an empire in decline - but at least they're not so dependent on other countries' resources.

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