I keep telling ya that you're missing the point. The response in the US and Canada was not intended to save lives. It was intended to look like the government was doing something useful and important, and so incumbents would stay in office. For this, it worked fine.

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So far, I'll agree that they succeeded in that goal, at an immense cost to the rest of us. It is my hope that once people understand that the net result of the lock-downs was that way more Canadians and Americans died than if there had been no lock-downs, they will be then well and truly ready to (belatedly) throw the bums out.

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Sadly, the appeals for amnesty seem to be working (in Canada at least).

"How could we have known?" they'll say.

"Evidence." we'll say.

"Bigot!" they'll say. And then they'll stay in office.

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I fear you may be right. Justin could well run for re-election on his 'success' in combating the COVID pandemic. Never mind that the Government's pandemic responses killed more Canadians than the pandemic did. Never mind that Canada has seen three times the excess deaths of Sweden over the course of the pandemic. When Canada's 'journalists' are all on the public payroll, Justin can say whatever he damn well pleases and millions of Canadians will believe him. We all must do what we can to get the truth out.

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