That would be nice, wouldn't it? Unfortunately, most people (with a few brave exceptions , such as John Campbell) are loathe to recognize and admit that they made a serious error in judgement (in the case of Big Pharma, criminally negligent). Only when they can "save face" will they do that, and I won't

hold my breath). Although BC has stubbornly refused to hire back the health care workers they fired for no good reason, precipitating a crisis in health care in the province, at least Bonnie Henry has recently dropped the requirement that health practitioners from licensed bodies (massage, acupuncture, etc ) be required to disclose their vaccination status.

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Thanks, Bruce, for continuing to shine light on this catastrophe and drive the message home.

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It is increasingly clear that a) the clinical trials were borderline negligent, b) the authorities were loathe to go look for side-effects after the vaccines came out, and c) they forced people to get vaccinated after they already knew the vaccines were leaky and wouldn't halt the spread of Delta, or especially Omicron. Is it too much to ask that those who oversaw these disasters be held to account? At minimum, could we at least stop killing people with vaccines that are essentially useless? Could BC at least hire back all the nurses and doctors they fired without justification? (Perhaps give them an apology!)

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