Say what you like against Hitler and the German Nazis, you have to give them credit for one thing. Fascism developed a comprehensive toolbox for totalitarian control that has never been equalled.
Justin Trudeau has been using way too many of the classic strategies of fascism for my comfort.
In fairness to Justin, I don’t think he got his dirty tricks direct from the manufacturer. Rather, he obtained them second-hand, from Barack and Joe.
How are the tools of traditional fascism being recycled? Let us count the ways:
1) Control the Press
The Nazis had jack-booted storm-troopers to keep the German press servile.
I’m sure Justin must have been dumbfounded when the steaming, stinking, smoking gun of Hunter’s laptop didn’t prevent Joe Biden from winning the 2020 election. Hell, Joe and Hunter didn’t even go to jail!
Perhaps Joe took Justin aside and said: “A young fella like you who likes to colour outside the lines - you need a press corps that will cover your backside.” One way or another, Justin understood.
I’m not sure how Trudeau managed to so completely neuter the CBC. But clearly he has.
2) Find a Scapegoat
The Jews were the perfect scapegoats for the Nazis. Often Rich. Kept to themselves. If anything in Germany didn’t work - it was the Jews’ fault.
When Joe began talking about “a pandemic of the unvaccinated”, it was Justin who recognized the full opportunity. The unvaxxed were the perfect scapegoat.
When COVID deaths remained shockingly high months and months after the vaccines came out, it was gradually becoming clear that the vaccines were leaky, and not nearly as effective as advertised. Rather than admit to this less-than-stellar outcome, Justin found it politically expedient to blame and demonize the unvaccinated. He even used the unvaxxed as a wedge issue to win an election.
3) Create an External Enemy
An external enemy draws people’s attention outward, and causes people to feel like a ‘we’ that must defend itself against some external ‘them.’ The Nazis made sure Germany had lots of enemies.
Justin Trudeau has gone to great lengths to paint Russia as a huge threat to the world. (First Kiev. Then Berlin. Then Halifax.) Don’t worry that you’re having trouble paying your grocery bills and the smoke from the forest fires is making it hard to breathe. The Russians want to take away your freedom. One can argue Justin got the idea from Joe - but, quite frankly, I think Justin does a much better job of pretending to want peace.
4) Create a Sense of Moral Superiority among Your Supporters
The Nazis did this by convincing the Germans they were racially superior: the Master Race.
Justin looked South of the border and saw millions of Millennials convinced they were the Democratic Party’s social justice warriors, completely oblivious to the reality that said Party was a warmongering kleptocracy.
Justin must have said to himself: I gotta get me some of that. He adopted American wokery and political correctness holus-bolus.
Wokeness is a politician’s wet dream. Just say the right stuff and most Millennials will follow you anywhere, not even noticing when your words and actions are diametrically opposed.
5) Demonize All Who Oppose You
The Nazis worked hard to convince Germans that everyone who opposed them were spies, traitors, foreign agents, and saboteurs intent on overthrowing the Third Reich.
When Justin watched as Joe elevated the January 6th block-party-gone-bad to an “armed insurrection” - and then milk it for all it was worth - he must have thought: “I wish I could do that.”
When the Truckers’ protest began, Justin saw his opportunity: The truckers were right-wing extremists who wanted to overthrow the Canadian Government. They had guns! Foreign Governments were giving them support! The bouncy castles are just a ruse to trick you!
When the Conservatives challenged him, he accused them of “standing with those with swasticas.” With a straight face, no less.
Insofar as the general public can be convinced that those opposed to the Government are REALLY BAD PEOPLE, they will accept all sorts of strong-arming, silencing and punishing of that opposition.
6) Be a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
The Nazis did narrative control before narrative control was even a thing. The National Socialist Party was constantly expressing concern for the welfare of the German worker. So what if the NAZIs had a very cozy relationship with uber-rich German Industrialists. The German press knew it was verboten to talk about that.
Justin is similarly schizophrenic. Just an ordinary middle-class guy when he’s stumping for re-election, and best buds with the super-rich when he goes off on his bi-monthly tropical vacations.
7) Weaponize Language
The Nazis were good at inventing new words and re-defining old ones. They were great at pejorative labels.
Justin may have initially copied Joe in this regard, but here again, I think the student has eclipsed the master.
Anyone who challenges the Liberal Government narrative is a conspiracy theorist spreading misinformation and disinformation. Undoubtedly some sexist, racist, white-supremacist. Or perhaps a misogynistic anti-vaxxer.
Nazis knew the value of repetition: “Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth.”
Justin has also mastered this art too. A devout Catholic might say twelve “Hail Mary’s” before lunch; I’m sure Justin used to say “Safe and Effective” at least as often. He’s the master of memes.
8) Weaponize Civil Society
The Nazis did a masterful job of getting every social institution to serve the interests of the Third Reich.
Though Barack and Joe weaponized the deep state and law enforcement to serve Democratic Party interests - even when the Democrats weren’t in power - Justin has outdone them.
All sorts of surprising organizations are becoming agents of Canada’s thought police. Just this week, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario took away the medical license of Dr. Patrick Phillips and is threatening to do the same to Dr. Mark Trozzi for disagreeing with Liberal Government COVID policies. Dr. Brooks Fallis was fired by William Osler Hospital. (Here, at least, we know the mechanism of control: the hospital was afraid the Government would cut its funding.)
The College of Psychologists is threatening to kick out Jordan Peterson for his tweets. Police officers and military personnel have been disciplined for supporting the truckers’ protest. The leaders of the truckers had their bank accounts frozen.
Since this post was first written, we also have the example of a Teaching Assistant in Saskatchewan getting fired for posting a newspaper article about Pride Month protests to a private Facebook group.
It’s impossible to know in advance what you’re not allowed to say, who is still allowed to have an opinion, or even where the censure/punishment will come from. Which must make a whole lot of Canadians nervous about saying anything negative about the Trudeau Government.
Justin sure knows how to put the ‘total’ into totalitarian.
Am I saying that Justin Trudeau is a NAZI? No, I am not. Am I saying that our Prime Minister’s use of so many of the tools of traditional fascism demonstrates a profound and dangerous unwillingness to play fair? Absolutely.
PS: I was inspired to write this post by a Zerohedge story. The German Government has charged C. J. Hopkins under a law designed to prevent Germans from promoting Nazism, for a book Hopkins wrote warning about the risk of a resurgence in Facism. The irony is just too rich for words!
PPS: I’ve rewritten Did America’s COVIDLockdowns Save Lives, replacing the tables with bar graphs. If you’ve got friends who’s eyes glaze over with too many numbers, the new version will be much easier for them. It’s over on Stephanie Brail’s Substack, entitled: Collateral Damage: Covid Lockdowns Did More Harm Than Good.
Nazi Germany wasn't totalitarian, even if it did many of the things you say. Try H. R. Trevor-Roper's The Last Days of Hitler.