Bruce, This is as terse and well-articulated a piece on this overwhelmingly important topic as I have seen. Kudos.

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Thank you. I was trying to cover a lot of important stuff in as few words as possible. It is gratifying to hear that I may have succeeded.

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In the current edition of The Economist (available at Save-on-Foods) I see an article on the excess deaths across the world.

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I suspect that mainstream media will have a hard time ignoring forever all the statistical data that has been collected on excess deaths. The fact that the Economist is talking about it may only be the beginning.

It's hard to maintain that the wholesale abandonment of previous epidemiological and ethical practices was either necessary or successful when so many more Canadians and Americans died than normal, and places like Sweden that kept traditional practices saw barely a blip in deaths.

If the CDC and Statistics Canada cared to know, we could determine how many of those excess deaths were deaths of despair, stress-related, and/or vaccine-caused. I'd also be very curious to know what happened to death rates from heart disease, respiratory disease, and cancer. All that information exists. CDC and Statistics Canada should be pressured to tabulate and release it.

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