Give something lethal a friendly name: *petal* bombs.

Make them look friendly too.

Like "Be kind", while TPTB kill you.

Thank you for your report.

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War is brutal. All "war news" is propaganda.. That's about all I know.

Thanks for your courage on this piece, and for crediting Amnesty for their courage.

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Amnesty has come in for a lot of criticism for this report. It's really unfair to claim they are 'pro-Russian' given they have done other reports quite critical of Russia's actions in Ukraine. Being as objective as they can be, rather than taking sides, is essential if the organization is to maintain public trust. It's partly because the output of the Western media is so blatantly propaganda that only about 10% of Americans trust the mainstream media these days.

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Good report ... this war is hurting the globe. All the lies are exhausting

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